Saturday, January 31, 2009
Saturday Night Update
I have been watching these nurses work so hard to help Hunter, and I can tell you there is not enough money in the world to do some of the things they have to do. I guess that's why it take special people to do each job people do for a living. I just found one more that I wouldn't chose to do. But they do their job well, you should of has seen them last night when they heard about the bus roll over by the Dam. It was crazy, but they were ready to do what the were trained to do. It makes me see what great care Hunter has been under since he got here.
They removed the 24 probes from his head today and removed the machine from the room. His room is looking larger. They seem to think the ------ can't remember what they call it. The one that measure pressure, might come out in the morning. They said when that happens they'll be able to do an MRI of his neck.
Hunter is coughing a lot more, and has the shakes, and is still fighting a fever. His heart rate has been really high, up to 156, they just gave him medicine again to bring that down.
His oxygen level on breathing is 40% and a new one thing I learned tonight was pip he's at 12 but they would like it at 5. Not sure what pip means but Bill(2) says I can ask the same questions again.(both breathing nurses names are Bill, they're trying to make things easier for me)The breathing machine gives Hunter 20 breaths per min, and he is making the machine do 28 so that is good.
They now have him on insulin and pricking his finger often because his blood sugar levels are high.
The bacterial sickness Hunters has is call C-biff (that's me sounding it out)
It seem we concur one big thing and we are told of allot of little things.
There is so much more to come, but we are so thankful for all the small and major step of progress Hunter has made with the help of the Dr.'s, Nurses, and most of all our Heavenly Father. Oh the things we take for granted in our lives.
If you are calling.....
Things are looking Good!
Thank you for all your prayers!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Friday Evening...
I just talked to Kim. Things are going pretty well. He is off of the Coma medication but they will keep him sedated. They want to do all that very slowly. So, he may still be asleep for another week or so. All his numbers look pretty good. They did get one of the culture tests back and he has a bacteria in his intenstines. It is highly contagious. There is a name for it, but who can remember those big words! Kim and everybody hasn't been back in the room since that test was done, but they had mentioned that they will have to wear gowns and get all dressed out if they go back in the room. They can't spread this highly contagious bacteria throughout the hospital. Sick people are very prone to it. Aunt Erica came down to visit today and is still there. Aunt Marsha is also there again. Jessica is still there with Kim, and Jared (Jessica's husband), Duane and Alex came back down today also!
Thank you all so much for your continued prayers! Keep them coming! Prayer is so powerful!
Eventful Morning
Breathing - Hunter's nurse had a concern about his breathing tubes as if He had a kink, so his Nurse and the Nurse just over the breathing machine worked on it for a while trying to fix it.
Dr. Rounds - Dr. Mikia made rounds this morning the told me he looked at the head scan from yesterday and it look about the same, a little better. He says it's still going to be a long ways to go. (I'm taking that from now till we will be finished). He said they wanted to replace his breathing tube to one size larger and that the anesthesiologist??(sleep dr) would be coming up so they could do that.
Tube replacement - I was told that when they replaced the tube I would have to leave while they did it, so I went ahead and went back to the room, where Jessica and I made us a really good breakfast and hung out there, Meanwhile Duane called and said the hospital called and asked for permission to scope his lungs. I guess while they where replacing the tube they came into some goop. He gave permission so they did that. They were able to see he had a lot of goop in his lungs for they where able to suction allot of the out and they will run cultures on it. They are going to give him medicine to help loosen it up so it will all come out. Mary Jo says because of the drugs for the coma puts everything to sleep, the normal process we each do to keep our lungs clean was also asleep. So this is good.
Coma- GOOD NEW, GOOD NEWS!! Mary Jo just stoped the medicine all together for the coma. If his pressure stay down for the next 24 - 48 hrs. they will most likely remove the bard measuring the pressure in his head. (of course he'll stay sleeping longer) But his brain is waking up and If all this happens the way they want it to they will be doing a MRI on his neck to see if they can remove the neck brace from the accident.
His pressures have been reading 3 - 5 since Jessica and I got back.
Our hearts are full of gratitude for all these miracles that keep happening on our behalf. Thank you everyone for all your prayers.
Hunter's pressures for the night so far have been really good. He's at 5 to 6,as long as they keep his upper body elevated. When they lay him down the pressure rises due to drainage in the head. but his temp. has gone up a little.
They have taken some cultures again today. They have him on two different antibiotics right now. We should get results this afternoon on yesterdays cultures.
His coma medicine is down to 1% and he is starting to cough when they do some things.
We still have to try to be quiet, he's recognizing more noises.
The nurse last night removed the foot board off his bed. He is so tall that his feet have been hitting the bottom of the bed. He actually looks really comfortable right now. (Of course I have had little sleep in the last week and have a horrible headache.)Not complaining mine should be gone here soon.
Duane, Jared, MaKayla and Alex I believe are all come down for the weekend. It will be nice to see the family.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
They are doing a few more things to help hunter, he is tolerating movement alot better. his bed messages every once in awhile so you'll see his body bouncing from it. His bed will fill with air in parts and tilt him also, they are trying to get him moving because he has been in the same position for a week now.
The nurses also have a bouncy massager they hold in their hand and it bounces on his chest for compressions to try to loosen up the goop in his lungs from being on the breathing tubes so long.
We just switched Nurses and now we have Amy. This is our first time with her.
Mom and Dad just left to get home, they work in the temple tomorrow and needed to get back, their help is much appreciated.
Jessica and I took a break after we saw Hunter back at his room, We ran to the store to get food and Oder killer for our room. (I tell you pregnant women can smell everything).
Darla stopped in Mesquite, and Duane sent down our own bedding with her. We stripped the beds at the room and put our own bedding on. We can feel a goodnight sleep coming in our mist.
The cousins wanted to come see Hunter, but we weren't able to let them, Darla wanted to sit with him tonight so we could get sleep, but in talking it out, she would still have to drive to Mesa, AZ. by 1:00 tomorrow, so they are on their way there now.
Since we didn't get to get our sleep today with being woken up, we are going to leave Hunter in the Hands of the nurses and keep the room quiet while we go snore in our room next door. We will return early morning and be here for when the Dr.'s make their rounds.
Update on the Update
So since we never heard from the doctor I guess we told the truth on the last post. We said we would write again once we heard from him and technically we havent heard from him yet :)
Sorry to keep you all waiting so long before we did update. After the long waiting period Grandma and Grandpa Laub stayed in the room with Hunter. Mom and I went back to the room to relax for a little bit. That is why it has taken so long for us to get back to you. Sorry to keep you worried. Please forgive me. Thanks again for all the prayers.
Update on Hunter
Surgery Waiting Room
We (mom, dad, Jessica and I) are waiting in the surgical waiting room right now. Dr. Davis is inserting a filter in Hunter stomach to catch the blood clot if it tries to move from his leg, It's suppose to be temporary but if its there for two months it will become permanent.
If he tolerates that well then they will take him in for chest and head scan. The chest scan it to see if there are any blood clots in his lungs. Head scan to check swelling.
If he doesn't tolerate it they well do scan another time. Mary Jo and Michelle (DUANE CUTE NURSES HA HA) are with him the whole time, they will do everything they can to keep him stable throughout the procedure.
We'll update when Dr. Davis comes and talks to us.
Thursday Morning
Orson F Whitney Quote (Era 1966)
We are keenly aware of many in our circle of family and friends. They too, are in a crisis mode as they deal with health issues, life and death situations, financial woes, and pain. please know that our prayers are sent heaven ward on your behalf also.
Many years ago I read an Orson F. Whitney quote that plunged into the core of my heart. I typed it, laminated numerous copies and have sent it across the world as occasion dictates. Today, I send it back to myself and all who are reading this blog. I endorse it and know it to be true. (Grandma T)
no trial that we experience is wasted.
It ministers to our education,
to the development of such qualities as
patience, faith, fortitude and humility.
All that we suffer and all that we endure,
especially when we endure it patiently,
builds up our characters,
purifies our hearts,
expands our souls,
and makes us more tender and charitable,
more worthy to be called the children of God,. . .
and it is through sorrow and suffering,
toil and tribulation,
that we gain the education that we come here to acquire.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
results of ultrasound
His pressure is at 13 and his temp. is 99.3
Hunter has started to have bowel movements, which is a good sign they say, (but our pregnant Jessica can say otherwise) therefore because of this they had to remove the tubing from his upper leg area to his arm so that he doesn't get infected. When moving it to the arm that is when they suspected the blood clot.
Right now Nurse Larry is in the process of moving all the IVs and medicines over to his arm.
Mom, Dad, and Jessica are on their way over to the room (thank you St. Clairs) to sleep for the night. They will be back in the morning to be with me when the Dr.'s come in with updates. It's nice when their is more than me to hear it so when I mess is up, they can correct me on what I heard.
Hunter is doing good for the most part, and we know things are going to work out for the best.
We like to thank everyone for everything, Food, Expenses, Cards, time, rides, but most of all the most important help we can have, Prayers. Everything is in the Lord's hands and all we can do is learn patience and wait, I never thought I could be taught that, but right now I think he's winning and I am learning, It's as hard as not to touch Hunter or talk in the room.
Once again, Thank for everything and please pray for the Dr's. and Nurses to make all the right choices in the care of Hunter.
One more thing....
Wednesday Night
Update on Hunter
Change of Plans
Picture from Trek 2008
Wednesday Afternoon Update
Angels Among Us
I want to thank each of you. The outpouring of love, concern, offers to help, and your fasting and prayers overwhelms us. Our angels keep us going. God bless each of you. love, Duane
Wednesday Morning Update
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Tuesday Night Update
Tuesday Afternoon
Tuesday morning
Monday, January 26, 2009
End of Day 5
Hunter and Kaden
Thanksgiving at Aunt Erica's
Kaden and Hunter playing Star Wars.
Hunter and Kaden at Grandma and Grandpa Laub's
cabin in Ko-Laub (kolob)
Hunter with Great Grandma Leavitt at Grandma's
90th Birthday party. (2 years ago)
For Hunter's and MaKayla's Birthday a couple of weeks ago we went
to St. George and went Lazer taging and mini golf. We
had so much fun. All his family and Sam was there and some of
Dori's kids Ashley and Alexandrea and their friend Allison.
It was so late when we finished playing that we were
surprised Pizza Hut was still open. We got a dinning room
To Hunter and the rest of the family
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you even though we don't know each other very well or at all. I think of you often and wonder how you're all doing.
When you wrote about trusting the Lord it reminded me of what Jesus said to His disciples in Luke 12:22-32 ..."Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat: nor about the body, what you will put on. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing. consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor barn: and God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds? And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest? Consider the lillies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If then God so clothes the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith? And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind. For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that you need these things. But seek the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you. DO NOT FEAR little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
He, God, the Creator, who is without beginning or end is in control.... Love Willow Gardea(Laub)
CT scan
Monday afternoon
We have enjoyed reading everyone's blog and we are amazed at the strength of each of you. Your family is a great example to our family. We Love Duane & Kim and family and want to help in anyway we can, call us when you need something. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all!
John & Dori and family
Jessica: Compassionate oldest sibling. Takes responsibility serious.
Jared: (Jessica’s husband) A rock
MaKayla: Grandma’s favorite--Hunter’s tender sister
Sam: There is not a malicious bone in his body. He is kind, considerate, offers to help with every task, and has incredible “moves” on the dance floor. I just wanted Sam to know that he is definitely a “forever” member of the Thurston Family. We love you Sam!
Hugs! Grandma Thurston
Monday, Jan, 26, 2009
Hunter seem to of had a good night. He should be really excited Uncle Brent is going to check him out to school today!! talk about snow days.. were having a blizzard.
His pressure is at 14 and temp is 98 heart rate 83. I have to try to be quite today he hears everything I say. I'm surprise they haven't kick me out yet, we all know I don't whisper, and they have his room so cold, they have to keep it cold to maintain his temp. I think I might be getting a cold.. so if that's the case and I get kicked out I may be calling some of you sooner to come sit with my baby..
They just came and took cheat x-rays to check the lungs and drew blood to check for oxygen levels and nurse also mentioned c20, (I told her we could be in trouble with c20 Hunter likes playing with that stuff, he might be hiding it somewhere.)
It is not possible at least for me to understand this stuff they try to tell me. I ask allot of question, and I'm sure most of the are dumb, I get that look once in a while, but they are very nice and try to figure out what I mean and try to answer.
I was told yesterday the the Dr.'s make round about 9:00 so maybe we'll get news on ct scan from yesterday.
Learn to Laugh and do our best
Duane's favorite types of show are like, operation reop, cops, judge Judy, you know all those shows where everyone fights, and then there is that annoying morning Las Vegas News that trying to be like the Today or Good Morning America. I tell him if he really want to listen to fighting he can just turn off the TV and I can start. I find those shows so annoying and don't like the spirit they bring into the house, or it's I'm just jealous all the girls are gone and it's just me and the boys and I can't watch HG TV anymore.
Anyway,back to the story, with all this going on I told them I thought our family was falling apart and that we don't communicate and we needed to start pulling our family closer together.
Duane asked our family if we would speak in church on Sunday and by Monday with all this going on I told him to find somebody else. There was no way we could talk on "Being an example in Righteousness" we could do "Being an example of what not to do" we are realy good at that, when the kids learn to drive we take them in the car and say "this is what you don't do" my kids and their friends know so many "this is what you don't do" Look, Hunter, Alex and Sam just taught us all one. any way So Duane thought of other people to ask, but it came down to us again, and Thursday was when that discussion happened just before the boys went to play basketball. Hunter didn't want to do it, I was not in the right spirit to do it. but, Duane said that's why we should do it.
I don't know who ended up speaking in church, but I'm sorry. We won't complain next time, because that would have been over by now. but if you know our family (or me) can't do things the simple way, everything got to be done big. So hear we are learning another one of those life lessons in a BIG way.
To my point (like I said I have to talk tell I'm right, or make you think so) My reading material I brought with me was an Ensign and Scriptures. I have truly enjoyed these talks again. The talk that I swear I love the best is Elder Joseph B Wirthlin's "Come What May, and Love It."
he says.... every life has peaks and and shadows and time when it seems that the birds don't sing and bells don't ring. Yet in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are the happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times become stronger, wiser, and happier as a result." he says the.."the Lord in His wisdom does not shield anyone from grief or sadness."
.."the Lord has opened the window of heaven and showered blessing upon my family beyond my ability to express. yet like everyone else, I have had times in my life when it seemed that the heaviness of my heart might be greater than I could bear....." he says ".. How can we love days that are filled with sorrow? We can't-at least not in the moment...." "...If we approach adversities wisely, our hardest times can be times of greatest growth, which in turn can lead toward time of greatest happiness.
He mentions a few thing he has learned over the years of times of testing and trial.
#1 " Learn to Laugh , the first thing we can do is learn to laugh,....It will extend your life and make the lives of all those around you more enjoyable."
#2 "Seek for the Eternal: you may feel singled out when adversity enters you life, You shake you head and wonder, "Why Me?"
My niece came in yesterday and ask grandpa to put a note on Hunter's bed. I hope she won't be upset because I read it or that I'm sharing it with you. but this comes from the tender heart of a young girl, they grow up so fast but I think she's 11 now. She wrote:
why? inspire by: Hunter 4 u buddy get well soon!<3
Have you ever done something and it turned out wrong. Have a broken heart have a sad song, and you think.....
What did I do to deserve this. I never did anything wrong. I've always been a good person! So tell me what did I do to deserve this?
Stuck here no turning back. I can't get out of this trap! And i got to say what did I do to deserve this. Everything has a reason. Why did you do this... To me right now why.......
Tell me why do I deserve this. i never did something wrong. Why to me. Come on just tell me Why?
Written by: Monica mari Laub-Domiguez
inspired by: Hunter 4 you buddy get well soon!=)<3
She is so sweet, this is her 2nd letter to Hunter so far. Thank you.
Brother Wirthlin goes on to say: " the dial on the wheel of sorrow eventually points to each of us. At one time or another, everyone must experience sorrow. No one is exempt..." " Learning to endure time of disappointment, suffering, and sorrow is part of our on-the-job training. These experiences, while often difficult to bear at the time, are precisely the kinds of experiences that stretch our understanding, build our character, and increase our compassion for others"
"Because Jesus Christ suffered greatly, He understands our suffering, He understands our grief, We experience hard things so that we too may have increased compassion and understanding for others...
He says "The simple secret is this: put your trust in the Lord, do you best, then leave the rest to Him." I really like that. So that is my motto for this experience. Put your trust in the Lord, Do your best, then leave the rest to Him.
In Conclusion we says: " I know why there must be opposition in all things, Adversity, if handled correctly, can be a blessing in our lives. We can learn to love it.
As we look for humor, seek for the eternal perspective, understand the principle of compensation, and draw near to our aHeavenly Father, we can endure hardship and trial. We can say as did my mother,"Come what may, and love it."
The talk goes on. You can read it for yourselves at if you want.
There is so much we can learn just from this one talk. This is what is helping me. I'm putting my trust in the Lord, Do what ever I can, then leaving it up to him. It's all we can do.. It's all Hunter can do with each breath he takes, and it's all I've ever asked of my children ( "Do YOUR Best!!) I don't care if they get straight A's or a star on sport team at school, as long as they can look themselves in the mirror and say "I did my best, I couldn't of had done anything else to make it better"
there is nothing in the world any parent wants more for their kids than the best... It's the same with our Heavenly Father, He wants the best for all of us, so what ever we learn from this experience, I hope we can do our best and learn so we won't have to do it again. Like mom always said, "Do it right the first time and you won't have to do it again." and Learn to Laugh along the way.
Well, our family is communicating better, and we have become closer, So lessons we learn the harder way... Guess I'll have to read Elder L Tom Perry's talk again "Let Him Do It with Simplicity" We could have saved a lot of time if we would of had learned that lesson first, but who can do thing in order,....Not us!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
It all seems like a dream....
Update on Hunter
I guess I can explain that.
Hunter doesn't like it when they move him, His reading on the machines kinda go crazy every time they do something. He has always been the kind of person who wants to be left alone and not be bugged. (wonder where he get that from) So because of that they have not been able to turn him in bed, so he has been in the same position from the first time they tried to turn him.
When the take him in for ct scans the have to haul everything with him, that's a lot of stuff. It took around 1 1/2 hrs to prep him this morning, just to take him down for it. I have no idea how they lift him and everything off to another table for the scan, all I can say I'm glad it's not me, he's a big boy.
I'm not sure where going to see the Dr. about the scan today it's 4:00 and haven't seen him yet.
Randy and Diann brought their kids by, it was nice to see him, I wish Hunter could of had gotten up and gone and played with his buddy Kaden and Javon. They play so well together, he'll have to hurry and get better so the can play star wars and Pokemon. And it was Bailee's birthday, She's 8 and will be baptized on Saturday along with Gage getting his name and blessing. Maybe with the three boys they'll be able to take on Hunter.
Angela followed Randy and Diann here also, We made her to the hard part and read every one's blogs out loud to us in the waiting room, Mom and Dad where here too. Mom started reading, handed it to me, and then we handed of to Angela. She was the only one that could get past the first line, of Alex's story. I still can't read everything or hear it, I had to get up and leave while they finished reading, Marsha and the Kids got here just as we finished up.
I don't think Alex realizes what an example he is to his little BIG brother. He has been so good to include him in his activities. I don't know what Jessica said to Alex in one of her late night talks in the bedroom to him a few years ago when she came home from college, but ever since then Alex and Hunter got along so well and did many things together. In fact Alex want Hunter to go to the church to practice basketball Thursday so they would be awesome for CBA. or at least look like it, Alex came out in his red shorts, white shirt, and new sweat head and wrest bands that matched. Hunter didn't want to go, he was enjoying laying on the couch next to his dad watching TV and me telling him and him arguing that he was not going to speak in church on Sunday. I finally told him to go play and he didn't want to. So I told him he could go play or I could find a job around the house to do. Hunter could make up his mind fast when the choice was placed before him. Of Course he chose basketball with Alex and Sam.
I thought something would happen to Hunter, just didn't picture it this way, It was suppose to be more like, Hunter blew up something in the back yard playing with match and deodorant, or Experiment went wrong. or Hunter was demolishing his mom's new ...... and he gets hurt. or Hunter found new fireworks or made his own, or C20 canisters and Paper rockets and pine wood derby cars just don't go together.
Hunter loves to take things apart, he never puts them back together but always takes them apart. I could clean his room and find all kinds of things that used to be mine. Of course you had to find more than one piece to figure that out.
He is a great kid, and if you ask him, He is my favorite, I love him dearly and hope I am up to do whatever it takes to help him. May the Lord bless me with patience to go along with my stubburn head that he will do everything he did before (plus like to read.) we keep telling him in his ear when the nurses aren't looking that he loves to read and he's good at it to. (I hope it works).
I don't know if this makes any sense, I'm here in his room all by myself, everyone has gone and I've been up with him since last night. Mom and Dad went over to Uncle Kenny's for Marsha's birthday dinner and then they are going to come sit with Hunter while I go get some good sleep. You'll have to forgive my spelling and grammer, I am tired by it would be bad anyway, Hunter did get his wonderful skills from someone.
Thanks for all the prayers, and concerns we will pull through this, because Hunter knows Mom Always Wins!!! so don't even try to beat me.
We are at our 72 hour mark, things should start going down from here.
from daniel
To Hunter
Sunday Morning
Just talked to Kim about the evening she spent with you. Here is an update:
1:00 a.m. his pressure was at 28 and temperature at 99.9.
1:30 a.m. his pressure at 20 and temp 98.9.
2:00 a.m. pressure 18-20 temp 98.8.
2:30 a.m. pressure 17 temp same.
3:30 a.m. pressure 18 temp same - Nurse Shannon is starting to prepare everything to take Hunter down for scan. Scan is at 5:00 am - there is a lot of preparation to do because of all the equipment required. They did an x-ray of the lungs.
4:00 a.m. Hunters temperature dropped to 96.
5:00 Took him in for his CT scan.
8:00 a.m. He is back in his room. They are cleaning him up and rehooking everything.
They had to give him oxygen because his oxygen level was low after moving him for the scan.
Pressure is at 19 and his temperature is at 98.9.
Kim and Duane seem to be doing okay this morning - they have a new nurse that they don't know very well yet - they went from MaryJo to Joe. They have had great nurses.
Duane, Jared & Jessica headed home. Duane needs to do some jobs. Will be back tomorrow.
Hunter, the Humane soul.

Hi, Alex here again. I want to let everyone know what a great young man Hunter is. Here are two pictures of Hunter back around 2003. The top one is him helping me with my eagle scout project. if you click on it you can see me in the background with my broken arm. Hunter has always been the great brother. He always helped me when i need it and i remember all the things he did for me when my arm was broken.
The bottom picture is 3 and a half hours later. He worked very hard to help me that day, you can see he's true self in that picture. it shows how innocent he is. it shows how pure his heart is. he has been a spiritual guide to me, he has stepped up to lead the way for me when i should have been the older brother and done the right thing. i know that god is looking out for one of his best sons right now. I'm so glad that i am able to be his brother. i want to take back all of the fights we had, most of them were our way to show our love for each other but some have been pretty serious. I want to take back all of the mean things i said, thought, and wanted to think.
Hunter when you read this i want you to remember that time when you came out and helped me pull weeds. I was teasing you pretty bad and i deserved more then just pulling the weeds, but you came out and helped me because you wanted to play with me.It was a bonding moment i will never forget. Hunter you are a kind giant, you forgive so fast that sometimes i wonder if you really do get mad. You always make me laugh and pull me though the tough times. i don't know what i would do without you. I will always love you and i will always be here for you when you need it
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Alex's Story
Hunter, I, and some of our friends were at the Whipple chapel playing some basketball Thursday night. We were done around 4:30 and we were hanging out by the cars just goofing around, one by one we started to leave. Hunter, Sam, and I were the last to leave. I got into the passenger seat and Sam in the drivers, Hunter was already sitting on the trunk of Sam's car when we got in. Sam waited a minute for Hunter to get off and get inside the car, seeing that he was staying there we knew that he wanted to ride there to our house. I almost opened my door to tell him to get in but I didn't since I didn't want to fight with him and it was just down the street to our house. Sam’s backed out of the parking spot and moved forward. I watch him as he bounced on the car over the speed bumps. I also watch him as we turned left on to the small road that links the church parking lot, 1st North and 2nd North together. After that point I looked down at my cell phone at a text message. We took a right turn onto my home street (2nd North). We got as far as 20 feet from the turn when I felt Hunter moved off the car. Sam kept moving for another 20 feet till he slammed on his brakes. I looked at Sam as he jumped out the door and ran towards Hunter; I climbed out of the car to see Hunter on the road lying on his side facing away from us. Sam ran up to Hunter and yelled "He's Bleeding". I was still confused at what was going on as I watched Sam running to my house to get my parents. I ran to Hunter and asked if he was OK, he was unresponsive. He was breathing pretty hard so I knew he was still alive. I saw that he had a gash on the right side of he's head right behind he's ear, blood was coming out at an alarming rate. I tried to get him to lay on he's back so he stop sucking in his own blood but he is a big kid and I didn't want the blood to come out faster. The only thing I remember from scouts is to keep him calm so I talked to him till my parents came back with Sam. At this point there are two things I regret, being an eagle scout I should have known to 1. Call 911 since I was first one able to; and 2. I should have somehow tried to slow the bleeding. I know that it is not a big deal since the medics got there so fast but I'm ashamed of not thinking to control the bleeding. When my parents got there I kind of backed up to let them in. My mother told me to get her shoes so I ran home and got them and came right back. Very few minutes later the medics came and took over. After this I just stood around being helpless. Hunter now looked responsive and pretty bloody up. He was trying to sit up and it took around 4 people to keep him down. They took him to the hospital in Mesquite and my parents went home to change and leave to the hospital. Sam and I stayed behind to fill out police reports. When we got done with them about 30 minutes later we went to the hospital to join my family. After this it was all about waiting game…
I don't know much of the conditions of Hunter, but the timeline we are looking at is that he will be in heavy sleep for around a week. Anywhere from a few weeks to a few months he will be able to come home. I was told he will have short term memory problems for about a year.
There is irony in a situation like this. I am very lonely, my family has been in Vegas since Friday, but many people have come to see me, and frankly I’m sick of it. I am sick of people asking if I’m okay, I’m just fine. I wasn’t the one hurt. But it hurts every time someone asks me if I’m okay. I want you to know that I am grateful for you caring and it has helped me to know that but at this moment I rather talk about something else.
As of how I’ve been dealing with all this is that I have been blocking it all out. I must be doing a good job of it because sometimes I forget what even happened, I forget that the rest of my family is staying in Vegas with him and not up there for the day, I forget that Hunter was lying on the road and I was crying, watching, being totally helpless. I moved the memory of that night so deep in my head that it cuts my heart when I remember it. I’ve never cried this much in my life. When I saw him today, in his hospital bed, my bones and joints were stabbed with pain. It is like someone cutting thin slices off your bones. The pain was very clear and sharp. I wanted to leave but my muscles were weak, I had no strength. All I could do was look at him and asked why him and not me. I feel like a terrible brother for not staying in Vegas, but I’m sure he understands my choice to stay away from him right now. I don’t want the memory of him in the hospital bed. He was a very active and happy young man and that is the memory I will keep of him till he is better.
I want everyone to know that I am grateful for everything. People have brought me dinner, bishop has given me a ride to see Hunter, and Caleb and Sam have been keeping great company. Thanks to my other friends and family for checking up on me. Thanks for all the prayers and fasting for Hunter
Grandma T, Dori & John
Cat Scan moved to tomorrow morning....
Saturday 1/24/09 3:30 p.m.
To clear a few things up....
More of your questions answered.....for now...
9 - 10 am Update
Last night was actually pretty rough. While they anticipated the coma to be induced in about an hour, it was nearly 4 am before the monitor showed the brainwaves as a flat line, indicating a comatose state. During the night, the pressure actually went over 50 on a few occasions, which the doctors were cleary trying to avoid.
Jessica and Kim were heading back to the hospital at the time of this update.
At 10 am, Alex and the bishop were on their way to the hospital as well.
A small update.....
7:30 am Update (1-24-09)
Hunter seems to be doing well. His current pressure reading is at 14, and below 20 is the target. He has 24 separate probes measuring brainwave activity and nothing alarming is happening now.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Series of Events (for St Clair's)
The only information that Grandma had at that time was that Hunter was at the Mesquite Hospital and that he was going to be life-flighted to Las Vegas. We tried for awhile trying to reach anyone who might have information on Hunter's condition - unfortunately with no luck. Dori then called John, who was working a shift with the Highway Patrol, and she asked if he could get any information. John went to the hospital, but the nurses stated they couldn't provide any details, but did state that he had been life-flighted to Las Vegas. John then was able to get in touch with the officers who were on the scene in Mesquite. They shared with John that Hunter was conscious until they arrived on the scene, but shortly thereafter, he became non-responsive. They shared that it did not look good and that he had experienced severe head injuries.
Dori called back and shared that Duane and Kim were home packing to go to Las Vegas and that Hunter would be in surgery all night. Darla was finally able to talk to Duane and he shared that he was very hopeful that everything would be alright.
We woke up Friday morning and the first thing we did was call Duane for an update. He let us know that they did not end up doing surgery and instead attempted to use medicine to relieve the pressure from the swelling resulting from the head injuries. Duane and Kim stayed at her sister's house in Las Vegas and were on the way to the hospital.
Througout the day, it seemed like every time we received news, the updates would go from optimistic to less favorable in terms of the swelling, fever and overall outlook. At times throughout the process, we would hear there was a 50/50 chance of him pulling through, which was obviously difficult to hear.
Around 7 pm Las Vegas time, Kim and Jessica were traveling back to Mesquite, while Duane was going to stay at the hospital with Hunter. Duane called Kim to state that things had taken a turn for the worse - as a result, they were going to have to induce a coma. Kim and Jessica immediately turned around and headed back to the hospital. The medicine used for this would take approximately an hour to take effect.
It makes you realize how much you love not only your immediate family, but your extended family as well. Life is precious - we look forward to the day that Hunter will be back up here at our house smashing holes in the frozen pond (and accidentally falling through for a third time!) We are here to help - let us know how we can. We love you all.
Scott & Darla