Sunday, January 25, 2009
It all seems like a dream....
I'm glad I was able to go down today and see Hunter and visit Kim at the hospital. It really made me wake up and realize what is happening to see him lying there asleep like that and so helpless with so many machines on him. When this all happened it's almost like it didn't sink in. I knew it was happening, but you know how sometimes it seems like you are in a dream and the whole world is still just going around you. I knew things were happening but it's so hard to react or even know what to do in a situation like this. You never think this will happen to family so close to you! Even when it does it almost seems like it's not real. Today, seeing him like that....... it made it more real than ever!! I know Kim & Duane are trying to be strong, but they have their anybody would in this situation. And that's okay! I know a lot of us has all had our moments of just can't stop crying! But, I am optimistic. I know all the prayers and fasting are working for Hunter and his family! It's so amazing what Prayer can truly do!! I know we are all in this together as a family to help no matter how long it takes for him to get completely better! We love you Hunter! We love you Kim, Duane, Jessica, Makayla, Alex (and of course Sam too). We are here for you!
Update on Hunter
Hunter, seems to be doing well today. His pressure is at 17 and temp. 98, that is really good for how much they have been moving him today.
I guess I can explain that.
Hunter doesn't like it when they move him, His reading on the machines kinda go crazy every time they do something. He has always been the kind of person who wants to be left alone and not be bugged. (wonder where he get that from) So because of that they have not been able to turn him in bed, so he has been in the same position from the first time they tried to turn him.
When the take him in for ct scans the have to haul everything with him, that's a lot of stuff. It took around 1 1/2 hrs to prep him this morning, just to take him down for it. I have no idea how they lift him and everything off to another table for the scan, all I can say I'm glad it's not me, he's a big boy.
I'm not sure where going to see the Dr. about the scan today it's 4:00 and haven't seen him yet.
Randy and Diann brought their kids by, it was nice to see him, I wish Hunter could of had gotten up and gone and played with his buddy Kaden and Javon. They play so well together, he'll have to hurry and get better so the can play star wars and Pokemon. And it was Bailee's birthday, She's 8 and will be baptized on Saturday along with Gage getting his name and blessing. Maybe with the three boys they'll be able to take on Hunter.
Angela followed Randy and Diann here also, We made her to the hard part and read every one's blogs out loud to us in the waiting room, Mom and Dad where here too. Mom started reading, handed it to me, and then we handed of to Angela. She was the only one that could get past the first line, of Alex's story. I still can't read everything or hear it, I had to get up and leave while they finished reading, Marsha and the Kids got here just as we finished up.
I don't think Alex realizes what an example he is to his little BIG brother. He has been so good to include him in his activities. I don't know what Jessica said to Alex in one of her late night talks in the bedroom to him a few years ago when she came home from college, but ever since then Alex and Hunter got along so well and did many things together. In fact Alex want Hunter to go to the church to practice basketball Thursday so they would be awesome for CBA. or at least look like it, Alex came out in his red shorts, white shirt, and new sweat head and wrest bands that matched. Hunter didn't want to go, he was enjoying laying on the couch next to his dad watching TV and me telling him and him arguing that he was not going to speak in church on Sunday. I finally told him to go play and he didn't want to. So I told him he could go play or I could find a job around the house to do. Hunter could make up his mind fast when the choice was placed before him. Of Course he chose basketball with Alex and Sam.
I thought something would happen to Hunter, just didn't picture it this way, It was suppose to be more like, Hunter blew up something in the back yard playing with match and deodorant, or Experiment went wrong. or Hunter was demolishing his mom's new ...... and he gets hurt. or Hunter found new fireworks or made his own, or C20 canisters and Paper rockets and pine wood derby cars just don't go together.
Hunter loves to take things apart, he never puts them back together but always takes them apart. I could clean his room and find all kinds of things that used to be mine. Of course you had to find more than one piece to figure that out.
He is a great kid, and if you ask him, He is my favorite, I love him dearly and hope I am up to do whatever it takes to help him. May the Lord bless me with patience to go along with my stubburn head that he will do everything he did before (plus like to read.) we keep telling him in his ear when the nurses aren't looking that he loves to read and he's good at it to. (I hope it works).
I don't know if this makes any sense, I'm here in his room all by myself, everyone has gone and I've been up with him since last night. Mom and Dad went over to Uncle Kenny's for Marsha's birthday dinner and then they are going to come sit with Hunter while I go get some good sleep. You'll have to forgive my spelling and grammer, I am tired by it would be bad anyway, Hunter did get his wonderful skills from someone.
Thanks for all the prayers, and concerns we will pull through this, because Hunter knows Mom Always Wins!!! so don't even try to beat me.
We are at our 72 hour mark, things should start going down from here.
I guess I can explain that.
Hunter doesn't like it when they move him, His reading on the machines kinda go crazy every time they do something. He has always been the kind of person who wants to be left alone and not be bugged. (wonder where he get that from) So because of that they have not been able to turn him in bed, so he has been in the same position from the first time they tried to turn him.
When the take him in for ct scans the have to haul everything with him, that's a lot of stuff. It took around 1 1/2 hrs to prep him this morning, just to take him down for it. I have no idea how they lift him and everything off to another table for the scan, all I can say I'm glad it's not me, he's a big boy.
I'm not sure where going to see the Dr. about the scan today it's 4:00 and haven't seen him yet.
Randy and Diann brought their kids by, it was nice to see him, I wish Hunter could of had gotten up and gone and played with his buddy Kaden and Javon. They play so well together, he'll have to hurry and get better so the can play star wars and Pokemon. And it was Bailee's birthday, She's 8 and will be baptized on Saturday along with Gage getting his name and blessing. Maybe with the three boys they'll be able to take on Hunter.
Angela followed Randy and Diann here also, We made her to the hard part and read every one's blogs out loud to us in the waiting room, Mom and Dad where here too. Mom started reading, handed it to me, and then we handed of to Angela. She was the only one that could get past the first line, of Alex's story. I still can't read everything or hear it, I had to get up and leave while they finished reading, Marsha and the Kids got here just as we finished up.
I don't think Alex realizes what an example he is to his little BIG brother. He has been so good to include him in his activities. I don't know what Jessica said to Alex in one of her late night talks in the bedroom to him a few years ago when she came home from college, but ever since then Alex and Hunter got along so well and did many things together. In fact Alex want Hunter to go to the church to practice basketball Thursday so they would be awesome for CBA. or at least look like it, Alex came out in his red shorts, white shirt, and new sweat head and wrest bands that matched. Hunter didn't want to go, he was enjoying laying on the couch next to his dad watching TV and me telling him and him arguing that he was not going to speak in church on Sunday. I finally told him to go play and he didn't want to. So I told him he could go play or I could find a job around the house to do. Hunter could make up his mind fast when the choice was placed before him. Of Course he chose basketball with Alex and Sam.
I thought something would happen to Hunter, just didn't picture it this way, It was suppose to be more like, Hunter blew up something in the back yard playing with match and deodorant, or Experiment went wrong. or Hunter was demolishing his mom's new ...... and he gets hurt. or Hunter found new fireworks or made his own, or C20 canisters and Paper rockets and pine wood derby cars just don't go together.
Hunter loves to take things apart, he never puts them back together but always takes them apart. I could clean his room and find all kinds of things that used to be mine. Of course you had to find more than one piece to figure that out.
He is a great kid, and if you ask him, He is my favorite, I love him dearly and hope I am up to do whatever it takes to help him. May the Lord bless me with patience to go along with my stubburn head that he will do everything he did before (plus like to read.) we keep telling him in his ear when the nurses aren't looking that he loves to read and he's good at it to. (I hope it works).
I don't know if this makes any sense, I'm here in his room all by myself, everyone has gone and I've been up with him since last night. Mom and Dad went over to Uncle Kenny's for Marsha's birthday dinner and then they are going to come sit with Hunter while I go get some good sleep. You'll have to forgive my spelling and grammer, I am tired by it would be bad anyway, Hunter did get his wonderful skills from someone.
Thanks for all the prayers, and concerns we will pull through this, because Hunter knows Mom Always Wins!!! so don't even try to beat me.
We are at our 72 hour mark, things should start going down from here.
from daniel
So its been a long weekend. It feels like he has been in the hospital for a week already and it has only been a couple of days. Like it's been mentioned before it is an emotional roller coaster ride but we are making it through. Our family has found more faith and testimony through this trial and that has been a blessing. We love our Savior Jesus Christ and we understand our Heavenly Fathers plan so much more. Not that we didn't know these thigns before but for some reaosn by going through all of this it really shows a real perspective of it. It puts us in a place that is not describable. For myself it has put the word "life" into a whole new perspective. I guess I never really realized how precious life is. In just a moments time life can be changed from being actively playing basketball to laying in a hospital bed with 10 different machines hooked up to your body just so you can live. In a weird way I love just sitting in Hunters room and looking at that little BIG brother of mine. Seeing him so helpless just really shows that it doesn't matter how big or strong you are, anything can happen. This has also given me an outlook on how it is so important that we make good choices in life. I have been riding on the front seat of the roller coaster ride along with my parents and there are times when you cant help but let your mind wonder. Many times the thought of him not making it through this has crossed our path but there is peace and joy in my heart because I know if that was ever the case that Hunter would be in our Heavenly Fathers presence. He has been living his life the way he should. There is no doubt in my mind of where he would be. Hunter didn't know that he was going to fall off a car and get badly injured to the point he would need life support. There was no way for him to do a quick repentance process to make sure things were clear so if he was to die he would be saved. This right here along with this trial and given me an evaluation of my own life I find myself asking myself am I where im supposed to be? I keep thinking of the verses in Alma 5...If we were to die are we prepared to meet God at the judgement bar? Lets face it. All of us are going to die someday, it's something we can't stop from happening. I am just so proud of my little brother. He is such a great young man and a joy to have in life. I can't imagine life without him so I try not to. Remember the good times is what helps me get through this. Especially when I'm in the room with him. I can be strong for everyone else in the waiting room and else where but when Im in the room with Hunter that is when its the hardest. However I found if I think of things that we have done in the past I find myself laughing inside and once in awhile I'll laugh out loud. Hunter is such a funny kid! Oh boy can he make me laugh. I have SOOOOO many stories I could tell. For example I will never forget this story.... When I was in high school I was getting ready to go out running. Since Hunter has always been a bigger kid I would always invite him to go with me. I remember when I asked him if he wanted to go get a good work out in with me he turned and looked up at me. He was sitting at the nintendo, he put down his control and showed me his thumbs. Then bending them (as if they were flexing) he said "look how strong these are!" He turned back to the game and started laughing. I fell right to the ground laughing. I have been really close to Hunter the past couple of years. I love being around him. I still do... even in this conditions Im glad he is still with us and fighting the battle. We have to remember that Hunter knew in the preexistence that he would have to go through this but I see that boy saying "I will do it, give me a body!" He is strong and a fighter, he will get through this and so will all of us. Keep your faith and hope high. I know your prayers have helped him and I know its a trial for all of you as well. I just hope all of you are doing well. If there is anything I can do for any of you please let me know. Really don't be afraid to ask me for anything. I would love to help anyone with anything they need. We are all in this together. Thank your for your love and support.
To Hunter
Hunter - today is Sunday and your mom says your are resting peacefully. The doctor says the CT scan looks the same as yesterday. They are waiting for a specialist to look at the scan to get more information. There is a lot of pressure on your lungs and they might have to elevate you differently to take some of the pressure off. I just want you to know that we love you and care very much about you. If you ever have had a doubt as to whether everyone really cares - you will never have to wonder anymore. So many people are fasting and praying for you today. You are so loved!!!
Sunday Morning
Alex you are a great brother. Hunter is lucky to have you.
Just talked to Kim about the evening she spent with you. Here is an update:
1:00 a.m. his pressure was at 28 and temperature at 99.9.
1:30 a.m. his pressure at 20 and temp 98.9.
2:00 a.m. pressure 18-20 temp 98.8.
2:30 a.m. pressure 17 temp same.
3:30 a.m. pressure 18 temp same - Nurse Shannon is starting to prepare everything to take Hunter down for scan. Scan is at 5:00 am - there is a lot of preparation to do because of all the equipment required. They did an x-ray of the lungs.
4:00 a.m. Hunters temperature dropped to 96.
5:00 Took him in for his CT scan.
8:00 a.m. He is back in his room. They are cleaning him up and rehooking everything.
They had to give him oxygen because his oxygen level was low after moving him for the scan.
Pressure is at 19 and his temperature is at 98.9.
Kim and Duane seem to be doing okay this morning - they have a new nurse that they don't know very well yet - they went from MaryJo to Joe. They have had great nurses.
Duane, Jared & Jessica headed home. Duane needs to do some jobs. Will be back tomorrow.
Just talked to Kim about the evening she spent with you. Here is an update:
1:00 a.m. his pressure was at 28 and temperature at 99.9.
1:30 a.m. his pressure at 20 and temp 98.9.
2:00 a.m. pressure 18-20 temp 98.8.
2:30 a.m. pressure 17 temp same.
3:30 a.m. pressure 18 temp same - Nurse Shannon is starting to prepare everything to take Hunter down for scan. Scan is at 5:00 am - there is a lot of preparation to do because of all the equipment required. They did an x-ray of the lungs.
4:00 a.m. Hunters temperature dropped to 96.
5:00 Took him in for his CT scan.
8:00 a.m. He is back in his room. They are cleaning him up and rehooking everything.
They had to give him oxygen because his oxygen level was low after moving him for the scan.
Pressure is at 19 and his temperature is at 98.9.
Kim and Duane seem to be doing okay this morning - they have a new nurse that they don't know very well yet - they went from MaryJo to Joe. They have had great nurses.
Duane, Jared & Jessica headed home. Duane needs to do some jobs. Will be back tomorrow.
Hunter, the Humane soul.

Hi, Alex here again. I want to let everyone know what a great young man Hunter is. Here are two pictures of Hunter back around 2003. The top one is him helping me with my eagle scout project. if you click on it you can see me in the background with my broken arm. Hunter has always been the great brother. He always helped me when i need it and i remember all the things he did for me when my arm was broken.
The bottom picture is 3 and a half hours later. He worked very hard to help me that day, you can see he's true self in that picture. it shows how innocent he is. it shows how pure his heart is. he has been a spiritual guide to me, he has stepped up to lead the way for me when i should have been the older brother and done the right thing. i know that god is looking out for one of his best sons right now. I'm so glad that i am able to be his brother. i want to take back all of the fights we had, most of them were our way to show our love for each other but some have been pretty serious. I want to take back all of the mean things i said, thought, and wanted to think.
Hunter when you read this i want you to remember that time when you came out and helped me pull weeds. I was teasing you pretty bad and i deserved more then just pulling the weeds, but you came out and helped me because you wanted to play with me.It was a bonding moment i will never forget. Hunter you are a kind giant, you forgive so fast that sometimes i wonder if you really do get mad. You always make me laugh and pull me though the tough times. i don't know what i would do without you. I will always love you and i will always be here for you when you need it
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