Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hunter is resting, and for everything that has been going on today, he's doing so well. They have him back in his bed, and are slowly taking him out of the coma again. however they will keep him asleep until they are happy with the pressure on his brain. So he will be sleeping for a while still.

They are doing a few more things to help hunter, he is tolerating movement alot better. his bed messages every once in awhile so you'll see his body bouncing from it. His bed will fill with air in parts and tilt him also, they are trying to get him moving because he has been in the same position for a week now.

The nurses also have a bouncy massager they hold in their hand and it bounces on his chest for compressions to try to loosen up the goop in his lungs from being on the breathing tubes so long.

We just switched Nurses and now we have Amy. This is our first time with her.

Mom and Dad just left to get home, they work in the temple tomorrow and needed to get back, their help is much appreciated.

Jessica and I took a break after we saw Hunter back at his room, We ran to the store to get food and Oder killer for our room. (I tell you pregnant women can smell everything).

Darla stopped in Mesquite, and Duane sent down our own bedding with her. We stripped the beds at the room and put our own bedding on. We can feel a goodnight sleep coming in our mist.

The cousins wanted to come see Hunter, but we weren't able to let them, Darla wanted to sit with him tonight so we could get sleep, but in talking it out, she would still have to drive to Mesa, AZ. by 1:00 tomorrow, so they are on their way there now.

Since we didn't get to get our sleep today with being woken up, we are going to leave Hunter in the Hands of the nurses and keep the room quiet while we go snore in our room next door. We will return early morning and be here for when the Dr.'s make their rounds.


Update on the Update

I just read the last post that was left. As it was mentioned that Dr. Davies was supposed to come in and talk to us.... Well he forgot about us. We never heard from him. After waiting in the waitingroom downstairs for 2.5 hours we went up and asked the front desk if everything was okay. They was only supposed to be gone 1.5 hours. to do the fillter for the blood clot and the 2 scans. They desk called up to the trauma center and they told her that they were back into the room already. We came back upstairs and there was Hunter in his bed as good as before. Mary Jo came in and talked to us about everything the Doctor was supposed to tell us. (Which is below)

So since we never heard from the doctor I guess we told the truth on the last post. We said we would write again once we heard from him and technically we havent heard from him yet :)

Sorry to keep you all waiting so long before we did update. After the long waiting period Grandma and Grandpa Laub stayed in the room with Hunter. Mom and I went back to the room to relax for a little bit. That is why it has taken so long for us to get back to you. Sorry to keep you worried. Please forgive me. Thanks again for all the prayers.

Update on Hunter

This is Jessica doing it this time. I have never done the update so I hope I get everything right. They took him in and did the surgery for the blood clot. The filter is now in his stomach and this will stop any clotting from going to the lungs, heart and brain. Everything went well, in fact Hunter did so well that they were able to do two scans while he was down there. They did a scan on his lungs to see if there was any blood clots there. They found that everything is good in the lungs. They also did a scan on his head and they said it was good. While moving him around from table to table to do the scans his head pressure only got to 25, which is really good. They were expecting it to be a lot higher than that but I guess Hunter is getting used to being moved. Once he was back in the room the pressure went down. We just checked on him and the pressure was at 9. He still has a small temperature but everything is looking good. I think that is everything....If i have missed something I will update it later. Thanks for all the support. We appreciate the prayers and thoughts that are with Hunter and our family. Thank you.

Surgery Waiting Room

Oh course they can't leave me alone either, sleeping really good, got phone call to came sign papers to proceed with Hunter's treatment and care.

We (mom, dad, Jessica and I) are waiting in the surgical waiting room right now. Dr. Davis is inserting a filter in Hunter stomach to catch the blood clot if it tries to move from his leg, It's suppose to be temporary but if its there for two months it will become permanent.

If he tolerates that well then they will take him in for chest and head scan. The chest scan it to see if there are any blood clots in his lungs. Head scan to check swelling.

If he doesn't tolerate it they well do scan another time. Mary Jo and Michelle (DUANE CUTE NURSES HA HA) are with him the whole time, they will do everything they can to keep him stable throughout the procedure.
We'll update when Dr. Davis comes and talks to us.


Thursday Morning

Hunters oxygen levels aren't as high as they would like. They want to check his lungs for a blood clot just to be sure. But they need to do a CT Scan on the lungs to check that. They already have a CT Scan scheduled for tomorrow morning on the Brain. So, they are waiting to here from the Doctor to see if maybe they'll will just do both CT Scans today instead of waiting. They would like to do them both at the same time because it is just a big ordeal to move him and to get ready for the CT Scans. They really would like to try and take him off of the coma medicine again. They said it is going to be a trial and error with that and the different pain medications and what his body will tolerate. Also the room needs to be dark and very quiet for all of this. They teased Kim they need a new roll of duck tape because she has such a hard time being quiet. Kim & Jessica went back to get some rest at the room, Kim was with Hunter all night. Grandpa and Grandma Laub are now with him.

Orson F Whitney Quote (Era 1966)

We are keenly aware of many in our circle of family and friends. They too, are in a crisis mode as they deal with health issues, life and death situations, financial woes, and pain. please know that our prayers are sent heaven ward on your behalf also.

Many years ago I read an Orson F. Whitney quote that plunged into the core of my heart. I typed it, laminated numerous copies and have sent it across the world as occasion dictates. Today, I send it back to myself and all who are reading this blog. I endorse it and know it to be true. (Grandma T)

No pain that we suffer,
no trial that we experience is wasted.

It ministers to our education,
to the development of such qualities as
patience, faith, fortitude and humility.
All that we suffer and all that we endure,
especially when we endure it patiently,
builds up our characters,
purifies our hearts,
expands our souls,
and makes us more tender and charitable,
more worthy to be called the children of God,. . .
and it is through sorrow and suffering,
toil and tribulation,
that we gain the education that we come here to acquire