Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hunter is resting, and for everything that has been going on today, he's doing so well. They have him back in his bed, and are slowly taking him out of the coma again. however they will keep him asleep until they are happy with the pressure on his brain. So he will be sleeping for a while still.

They are doing a few more things to help hunter, he is tolerating movement alot better. his bed messages every once in awhile so you'll see his body bouncing from it. His bed will fill with air in parts and tilt him also, they are trying to get him moving because he has been in the same position for a week now.

The nurses also have a bouncy massager they hold in their hand and it bounces on his chest for compressions to try to loosen up the goop in his lungs from being on the breathing tubes so long.

We just switched Nurses and now we have Amy. This is our first time with her.

Mom and Dad just left to get home, they work in the temple tomorrow and needed to get back, their help is much appreciated.

Jessica and I took a break after we saw Hunter back at his room, We ran to the store to get food and Oder killer for our room. (I tell you pregnant women can smell everything).

Darla stopped in Mesquite, and Duane sent down our own bedding with her. We stripped the beds at the room and put our own bedding on. We can feel a goodnight sleep coming in our mist.

The cousins wanted to come see Hunter, but we weren't able to let them, Darla wanted to sit with him tonight so we could get sleep, but in talking it out, she would still have to drive to Mesa, AZ. by 1:00 tomorrow, so they are on their way there now.

Since we didn't get to get our sleep today with being woken up, we are going to leave Hunter in the Hands of the nurses and keep the room quiet while we go snore in our room next door. We will return early morning and be here for when the Dr.'s make their rounds.


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