Saturday, January 31, 2009

If you are calling.....

If you are trying to reach Kim & Duane they probably aren't answering their phones. When they go into the room they have to scrub everything down (because of the contagious bacteria that Hunter has). They would have to scrub their phones and everything with alcohol. So, they are leaving pretty much everything out of the room while they are in there for now. So, people have been calling and if they do miss your call they will try to return it when they can! Thanks so much!


  1. Glad to hear he is doing better...Our prayers will continue for Hunter, the family and all...God Bless...

  2. My kids were upstairs playing. I could hear their laughter and playing games. I was downstairs watching a show and my youngest Abby came and crawled on my lap to cuddle. After a few moments she looked at me and said, "Mommy I am sad." I asked her why? she said it was because Hunter was in the hospital. (It broke my heart, now I was sad but didn't want to break out in tears.) We decided we would say a prayer for Hunter. We love you Hunter love, Dori and Abby
