Saturday, January 24, 2009

To clear a few things up....

There is no bleeding on the brain. At the time the injury first occured they had said something about bleeding on the brain, but it is just bad bruising and swelling. That's all it still is. The pressure on the brain spikes up when the medication wears off. So, they keep giving him more medication when that happens. They will continue to do this because they don't want it to spike back up and have a 2nd injury to the brain to occur. They are not sure how long they will have to continue to give him medication for this. Once his body can keep the pressure down on his own, that is when they can start to take him out of the drug induced coma. So, as for now it's all about the pressure on the brain and trying to keep that down. Once Hunters body can handle that and keep it down on his own, then we can move on from that. He will for sure have another Cat Scan on Monday. The pressure hasn't been going up anymore when nurses and others are talking around him. But, when Kim talks, he has a reaction. Maybe that is a good sign. A sign he can hear somebody familiar even though he is in a coma. Also, when the accident first happened, (although the situation is still very bad) how he was fighting back before he went completely out could also be a good sign! Keep Praying! Thanks guys!

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