Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hunter Gets Out Early

It's hard to believe it was just 4 weeks to the day, and Hunter will be out tomorrow.

Hunter will be out of Rehab on Friday, He asked the Dr. if he could leave Friday and they said he could. He wants to stay a night at the Ronald McDonald's house. So when we check out of Rehab in the morning we are heading there. We will stay there for the day and on Saturday, Hunter is going to go to his Cousins Baptisms.(Marsha's Kids)That live in Las Vegas.

He was worried we were going to make him go to school on Monday, he just knows Uncle Brent is talking to all his teachers and saving him his homework. He's so overwhelmed when school is mentioned. But Hunter won't be back at school for a while, He still had a lot of work to do physically before he will have all his strength before that happens. We meet with the school on Monday, so we'll know more then.

Hunter still asks about his hair, it really bothers him that he is still so bald. He's always asking, "Why am I so bald". the scare on the back of his head looks like an eye. I tell him he's got an eye on the back of his head now so everyone better watch out.

He still asks the same question over and over. He forgets he already ask or he'll remember he asked but forgot the answer. Today he was, Mom I know I already asked, but do I get to go home tomorrow?

They ordered an MRI for Hunter's right shoulder, but haven't heard from the insurance yet, so we hope we can just do that in Mesquite, of course we have to find us a Dr. we haven't been sick so we don't have one sense our family Dr. retired what maybe 8, 10 years ago. And he should also start medicine for his blood clots starting next week. So were not done with Dr. yet. but a least we get to sleep in our own beds!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. yay im so ecxited i cant belive your going to my baptism. i would like u to meet my friend linnea and amy how have helped me go through this they were the ones i would go to for help linnea had your blog on her fav. on her comp so she checked it out i am so ecxited
