Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday Evening...

haha, I know there's a story that goes along with the name "Fred" (see post below). Maybe Kim will have to tell that one! =)

I just talked to Kim. Things are going pretty well. He is off of the Coma medication but they will keep him sedated. They want to do all that very slowly. So, he may still be asleep for another week or so. All his numbers look pretty good. They did get one of the culture tests back and he has a bacteria in his intenstines. It is highly contagious. There is a name for it, but who can remember those big words! Kim and everybody hasn't been back in the room since that test was done, but they had mentioned that they will have to wear gowns and get all dressed out if they go back in the room. They can't spread this highly contagious bacteria throughout the hospital. Sick people are very prone to it. Aunt Erica came down to visit today and is still there. Aunt Marsha is also there again. Jessica is still there with Kim, and Jared (Jessica's husband), Duane and Alex came back down today also!
Thank you all so much for your continued prayers! Keep them coming! Prayer is so powerful!

Hunter (FRED) Thurston & friends at Ko-Laub (kolob)

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Eventful Morning

It's been a eventful morning in the room of Hunter. I don't even know where to start.

Breathing - Hunter's nurse had a concern about his breathing tubes as if He had a kink, so his Nurse and the Nurse just over the breathing machine worked on it for a while trying to fix it.

Dr. Rounds - Dr. Mikia made rounds this morning the told me he looked at the head scan from yesterday and it look about the same, a little better. He says it's still going to be a long ways to go. (I'm taking that from now till we will be finished). He said they wanted to replace his breathing tube to one size larger and that the anesthesiologist??(sleep dr) would be coming up so they could do that.

Tube replacement - I was told that when they replaced the tube I would have to leave while they did it, so I went ahead and went back to the room, where Jessica and I made us a really good breakfast and hung out there, Meanwhile Duane called and said the hospital called and asked for permission to scope his lungs. I guess while they where replacing the tube they came into some goop. He gave permission so they did that. They were able to see he had a lot of goop in his lungs for they where able to suction allot of the out and they will run cultures on it. They are going to give him medicine to help loosen it up so it will all come out. Mary Jo says because of the drugs for the coma puts everything to sleep, the normal process we each do to keep our lungs clean was also asleep. So this is good.

Coma- GOOD NEW, GOOD NEWS!! Mary Jo just stoped the medicine all together for the coma. If his pressure stay down for the next 24 - 48 hrs. they will most likely remove the bard measuring the pressure in his head. (of course he'll stay sleeping longer) But his brain is waking up and If all this happens the way they want it to they will be doing a MRI on his neck to see if they can remove the neck brace from the accident.

His pressures have been reading 3 - 5 since Jessica and I got back.

Our hearts are full of gratitude for all these miracles that keep happening on our behalf. Thank you everyone for all your prayers.
Back at Hunter's room, couldn't sleep very long, wanted too, but too much on the mind a guess, because I think my pressures could pass Hunter's right now.

Hunter's pressures for the night so far have been really good. He's at 5 to 6,as long as they keep his upper body elevated. When they lay him down the pressure rises due to drainage in the head. but his temp. has gone up a little.

They have taken some cultures again today. They have him on two different antibiotics right now. We should get results this afternoon on yesterdays cultures.

His coma medicine is down to 1% and he is starting to cough when they do some things.
We still have to try to be quiet, he's recognizing more noises.

The nurse last night removed the foot board off his bed. He is so tall that his feet have been hitting the bottom of the bed. He actually looks really comfortable right now. (Of course I have had little sleep in the last week and have a horrible headache.)Not complaining mine should be gone here soon.

Duane, Jared, MaKayla and Alex I believe are all come down for the weekend. It will be nice to see the family.
