Monday, February 16, 2009

Hunter's change of Attitude

I guess Hunter and Duane was having their little conflict in who was going to win the next battle of getting out of bed and doing something. Hunter had been in his bed for a while and Duane wanted him to go for a walk or go and play checkers, Of course Hunter didn't want to do any of those things but lay in bed.

Duane told him that he can be more stubborn, and he will win. Hunter couldn't let that happen and said if his dad didn't leave him alone that he wasn't going to therapy tomorrow.

After alittle time, Duane told him if he wasn't going to do anything he was going to leave and go back to his own room and sleep. He left Hunter a phone and left the room. He went to the nurses desk and watched Hunter on the cameras to what he was doing. He said it didn't take Hunter 2 min. to pick up the phone and ask his dad to come back and play.

Duane says he went back and Hunter was not pouting anymore and played checkers and they got a long very well.

I'm so glad that they are getting some time to build a stronger relationship. Of course I might miss all the talks Hunter and I have on what he wants to tell dad. I think my role in this family is changing allot not sure where I stand. I'm the hard headed one, and wins. This could be scary when we all get back together as a family. Maybe I'll be learning allot more lessons....I better start praying for help again..

Monday, Febuary 16,

Today has been a busy day for Hunter and Duane. He started his day off with 3 different therapy seasons all to do with speech, and large and small muscles of the body.

Some of the things he had to do was. Put his shoes and socks on with tying his shoes. Be able to reach his head, shoulders, knees, and toes with both hands. Walk to and from the bathroom without assistance. Do laps in the gym with his walker, go up and down stairs, ride a bicycle for 10 min.

Duane still has to force Hunter to eat, he's almost starting to be able to eat half his food. (some of those meals they would have to force me to eat too)

One of the other things Hunter has to work take a shower all by himself.

When I called down to check on things. Hunter was sitting on the couch watching TV and Duane was sleeping in his bed. I think we are all so tired we would jump in any bed for a power nap. The problem is the power doesn't stay very long.

I find even taking a turn to be with Alex at home and being able to sleep in my own bed, I still can't sleep very long. 4 - 5 hrs. if we're lucky, and our nights and days are so messed up. This morning at 12:01 a.m.(had to wait for Sunday to be over) Jessica and I was out driving Mesquite looking for food, and the only place open couldn't sell us anything because anything we wanted to order they were out of, Thank goodness for Wal-mart. We came home and made our own taco's.

When I talked to Hunter on the phone, I asked him if there was anything he wanted me to tell anyone, and he says, "not really", I asked him if he wanted to tell everyone he misses school and can't wait to get back, and he says, "not really," I said oh ya, your enjoying not being in school to much, and he said, "not really, I'm going to have to make it all up". So with that comment, I think Hunter's brain in working just fine.

He did tell me I could come back tonight, that he has a couch and a shower I can use. But his dad is taking really good care of him and Alex, Jessica, and Jared and I are seeing how much more we can really mess up our sleep cycle. MaKayla's doesn't count hers had been messed up for years....

Hunter's Dr. and Therapy team will meet tomorrow to discuss how much longer he might have to stay. I hope they find he doesn't really even need to be there.

Hunter meets Sunday's Goals

Hunter made his Sunday goals and did them plus one more.

Dr. came in this (sunday)morning and took the pick line out of his arm. Now all he has left is the filter for the blood clot.