Monday, January 26, 2009

End of Day 5

Hunter's pressure has been under 20 all day. His temperature was a little low, but it has been a good day overall. We are praying that Kim and Duane can get some rest tonight. They are both extremely tired. Duane was able to get a room at a hotel across the parking lot from the hospital and Grandma T is staying the night with him. Kim has come down with a cold and will stay at home in Mesquite tonight. May the Lord bless both of them and their family.

Hunter and Kaden
Thanksgiving at Aunt Erica's

Kaden and Hunter playing Star Wars.

Hunter and Kaden at Grandma and Grandpa Laub's
cabin in Ko-Laub (kolob)

Hunter with Great Grandma Leavitt at Grandma's
90th Birthday party. (2 years ago)

For Hunter's and MaKayla's Birthday a couple of weeks ago we went
to St. George and went Lazer taging and mini golf. We
had so much fun. All his family and Sam was there and some of
Dori's kids Ashley and Alexandrea and their friend Allison.

It was so late when we finished playing that we were

surprised Pizza Hut was still open. We got a dinning room

all to ourselves.

To Hunter and the rest of the family

Just wanted to say thank you for letting us know what's going on. After reading all the posts I feel like I know Hunter a little bit now. I didn't read any of it till today Mon. 1/26, and will definitely be praying for him and I will put him on the prayer list at our church also.

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you even though we don't know each other very well or at all. I think of you often and wonder how you're all doing.

When you wrote about trusting the Lord it reminded me of what Jesus said to His disciples in Luke 12:22-32 ..."Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat: nor about the body, what you will put on. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing. consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor barn: and God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds? And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest? Consider the lillies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If then God so clothes the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith? And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind. For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that you need these things. But seek the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you. DO NOT FEAR little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

He, God, the Creator, who is without beginning or end is in control.... Love Willow Gardea(Laub)
Grandpa & I just got home from setting with Hunter last night and today. It hurts to see your children and grandchildren hurting so much, and we feel so helpless because you can't talk to him or touch him. Grandpa finally just whispered to him sleep well hunter and I told him we loved him, hope you know that Hunter you are a special young man and we're so glad of that because you have such a long hard journey ahead of you. Therapy is hard and yo want to abuse your therapists because if they don't hurt you they're not doing you any good. I hope we can all give you some of our strength to help you through this time. Yes, Kim was all but told to leave the hospital today, seem her voice is the one Hunter even in the deep coma tries to reach to his mama for help. We're all praying it seems, with every breath we take for him to come through with as little damage as possible. They said he would probably start coming out this weekend but they really don't know either. When he does that's when Kim and Duane will need all the support and love and prayers from family and friends. It's not gong to be easy but with all of us with them we will all grow and gain the blessing and lessons that the Lord has sent this trial for us to learn from. I Know we will all gain from this bad nightmare if we all pull together. In behalf of the Erik Laub family we want to thank all of you for your faith, fasting and prayers. After all how can the Lord not listen to such a large number of his children praying and fasting for the same purpose. There will be great rewards when we all hold our faith and grow from all this. We love all of you so much and appreciate your concern and love for our Daughter and her family. Erik and Judy Laub

CT scan

Just talked to Dori and she tried to explain the reason for the scan to me. If I don't have this right - I apologize. They did the scan to determine whether putting a stunt in would be necessary (to drain fluid to release some of the pressure.) Everything was fine and they decided it was not necessary. They have decided they will start weening him off the coma medicine tomorrow which will slowly bring him out of the coma. It can take awhile for him to come out of the coma, but should be sometime after Friday. His pressure has remained under 20.

CT scan

Monday afternoon

Kim is not feeling well. Alex brought Duane to Las Vegas and then took Kim home to get some rest. John, Dori and Grandma T are on their way to Vegas to sit with Hunter. Duane is trying to get an update on the CT scan. Hunter's temperature is down below normal. They are trying to warm him up but all the other vital statistics look good.
On Saturday John and I were able to sit with Hunter and give Duane and Kim a break from the hospital. While we were there Hunter stayed stable. When you are in his room you are not allowed to touch him or talk. They want the brain activity to be minimal. Next time I will bring a book, crossword or something. On Sunday my family and friends participated in the fast for Hunter. We love Hunter and pray for a speedy recovery, so we can have more get together's. Since we have moved here to St.George we have had more opportunity to hang around the cousins. We have had a lot of great memories since our move. Our families have done a lot of fun things like Lake mead, go to the cabin, and play games. We are so grateful for the good times. It reminds us of how precious life is and to count our blessings and to cherish the good times.
Picture is Hunter and Abby at Lake Mead.

We have enjoyed reading everyone's blog and we are amazed at the strength of each of you. Your family is a great example to our family. We Love Duane & Kim and family and want to help in anyway we can, call us when you need something. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all!
John & Dori and family

Alex: your words were inspiring and poignant. Thanks for sharing

Jessica: Compassionate oldest sibling. Takes responsibility serious.

Jared: (Jessica’s husband) A rock

MaKayla: Grandma’s favorite--Hunter’s tender sister

Sam: There is not a malicious bone in his body. He is kind, considerate, offers to help with every task, and has incredible “moves” on the dance floor. I just wanted Sam to know that he is definitely a “forever” member of the Thurston Family. We love you Sam!

Hugs! Grandma Thurston

Monday, Jan, 26, 2009

Back at Hunter's room, Mom and Dad sat with Hunter while I went to get some sleep. Slept a few hours..
Hunter seem to of had a good night. He should be really excited Uncle Brent is going to check him out to school today!! talk about snow days.. were having a blizzard.
His pressure is at 14 and temp is 98 heart rate 83. I have to try to be quite today he hears everything I say. I'm surprise they haven't kick me out yet, we all know I don't whisper, and they have his room so cold, they have to keep it cold to maintain his temp. I think I might be getting a cold.. so if that's the case and I get kicked out I may be calling some of you sooner to come sit with my baby..
They just came and took cheat x-rays to check the lungs and drew blood to check for oxygen levels and nurse also mentioned c20, (I told her we could be in trouble with c20 Hunter likes playing with that stuff, he might be hiding it somewhere.)
It is not possible at least for me to understand this stuff they try to tell me. I ask allot of question, and I'm sure most of the are dumb, I get that look once in a while, but they are very nice and try to figure out what I mean and try to answer.
I was told yesterday the the Dr.'s make round about 9:00 so maybe we'll get news on ct scan from yesterday.

Learn to Laugh and do our best

I have to tell you, Last week before this happened I was getting very upset with the family because we weren't communicating very well. As everyone knows I am very stubborn and always right, (as my family tells me). I ask question they don't answer because they just know I'm going to talk around it until I'm am right. I'm sure you get the picture.
Duane's favorite types of show are like, operation reop, cops, judge Judy, you know all those shows where everyone fights, and then there is that annoying morning Las Vegas News that trying to be like the Today or Good Morning America. I tell him if he really want to listen to fighting he can just turn off the TV and I can start. I find those shows so annoying and don't like the spirit they bring into the house, or it's I'm just jealous all the girls are gone and it's just me and the boys and I can't watch HG TV anymore.
Anyway,back to the story, with all this going on I told them I thought our family was falling apart and that we don't communicate and we needed to start pulling our family closer together.
Duane asked our family if we would speak in church on Sunday and by Monday with all this going on I told him to find somebody else. There was no way we could talk on "Being an example in Righteousness" we could do "Being an example of what not to do" we are realy good at that, when the kids learn to drive we take them in the car and say "this is what you don't do" my kids and their friends know so many "this is what you don't do" Look, Hunter, Alex and Sam just taught us all one. any way So Duane thought of other people to ask, but it came down to us again, and Thursday was when that discussion happened just before the boys went to play basketball. Hunter didn't want to do it, I was not in the right spirit to do it. but, Duane said that's why we should do it.
I don't know who ended up speaking in church, but I'm sorry. We won't complain next time, because that would have been over by now. but if you know our family (or me) can't do things the simple way, everything got to be done big. So hear we are learning another one of those life lessons in a BIG way.
To my point (like I said I have to talk tell I'm right, or make you think so) My reading material I brought with me was an Ensign and Scriptures. I have truly enjoyed these talks again. The talk that I swear I love the best is Elder Joseph B Wirthlin's "Come What May, and Love It."
he says.... every life has peaks and and shadows and time when it seems that the birds don't sing and bells don't ring. Yet in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are the happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times become stronger, wiser, and happier as a result." he says the.."the Lord in His wisdom does not shield anyone from grief or sadness."
.."the Lord has opened the window of heaven and showered blessing upon my family beyond my ability to express. yet like everyone else, I have had times in my life when it seemed that the heaviness of my heart might be greater than I could bear....." he says ".. How can we love days that are filled with sorrow? We can't-at least not in the moment...." "...If we approach adversities wisely, our hardest times can be times of greatest growth, which in turn can lead toward time of greatest happiness.
He mentions a few thing he has learned over the years of times of testing and trial.
#1 " Learn to Laugh , the first thing we can do is learn to laugh,....It will extend your life and make the lives of all those around you more enjoyable."
#2 "Seek for the Eternal: you may feel singled out when adversity enters you life, You shake you head and wonder, "Why Me?"
My niece came in yesterday and ask grandpa to put a note on Hunter's bed. I hope she won't be upset because I read it or that I'm sharing it with you. but this comes from the tender heart of a young girl, they grow up so fast but I think she's 11 now. She wrote:

why? inspire by: Hunter 4 u buddy get well soon!<3

Have you ever done something and it turned out wrong. Have a broken heart have a sad song, and you think.....
What did I do to deserve this. I never did anything wrong. I've always been a good person! So tell me what did I do to deserve this?
Stuck here no turning back. I can't get out of this trap! And i got to say what did I do to deserve this. Everything has a reason. Why did you do this... To me right now why.......
Tell me why do I deserve this. i never did something wrong. Why to me. Come on just tell me Why?
Written by: Monica mari Laub-Domiguez
inspired by: Hunter 4 you buddy get well soon!=)<3

She is so sweet, this is her 2nd letter to Hunter so far. Thank you.

Brother Wirthlin goes on to say: " the dial on the wheel of sorrow eventually points to each of us. At one time or another, everyone must experience sorrow. No one is exempt..." " Learning to endure time of disappointment, suffering, and sorrow is part of our on-the-job training. These experiences, while often difficult to bear at the time, are precisely the kinds of experiences that stretch our understanding, build our character, and increase our compassion for others"
"Because Jesus Christ suffered greatly, He understands our suffering, He understands our grief, We experience hard things so that we too may have increased compassion and understanding for others...
He says "The simple secret is this: put your trust in the Lord, do you best, then leave the rest to Him." I really like that. So that is my motto for this experience. Put your trust in the Lord, Do your best, then leave the rest to Him.
In Conclusion we says: " I know why there must be opposition in all things, Adversity, if handled correctly, can be a blessing in our lives. We can learn to love it.
As we look for humor, seek for the eternal perspective, understand the principle of compensation, and draw near to our aHeavenly Father, we can endure hardship and trial. We can say as did my mother,"Come what may, and love it."

The talk goes on. You can read it for yourselves at if you want.

There is so much we can learn just from this one talk. This is what is helping me. I'm putting my trust in the Lord, Do what ever I can, then leaving it up to him. It's all we can do.. It's all Hunter can do with each breath he takes, and it's all I've ever asked of my children ( "Do YOUR Best!!) I don't care if they get straight A's or a star on sport team at school, as long as they can look themselves in the mirror and say "I did my best, I couldn't of had done anything else to make it better"
there is nothing in the world any parent wants more for their kids than the best... It's the same with our Heavenly Father, He wants the best for all of us, so what ever we learn from this experience, I hope we can do our best and learn so we won't have to do it again. Like mom always said, "Do it right the first time and you won't have to do it again." and Learn to Laugh along the way.
Well, our family is communicating better, and we have become closer, So lessons we learn the harder way... Guess I'll have to read Elder L Tom Perry's talk again "Let Him Do It with Simplicity" We could have saved a lot of time if we would of had learned that lesson first, but who can do thing in order,....Not us!!