I was told I needed to keep the blog up, and not sure where to start.
Friday, Feb. 20, I took Alex with me to help Drive to pick Hunter up.While we were gathering all of the things we had in Hunter's room the nurse came in to give me discharge instruction. And of course Alex thought Hunter's wheel chair was really cool and had to try it out. When I say try it out it's how long and high can you pop a wheelie in the wheel chair. Not sure how long but the height was up and over the back side with him landing on his back side lifting his head so it wouldn't hit the floor. I couldn't believe what was going on, for a split second I thought we were going to start all over again. The Nurse asked me why I didn't yell at him. I told her I was so tired I had no strength to do it. My only other thought was, He wouldn't listen, and I brought him to help me, what was I thinking?. We got out all nice and safe.
I talked Hunter into coming home instead of staying at the Ronald McDonald House for the night, our beds sounded so much better. So Alex and Hunter got to hang out while Jessica and I clean our room and did laundry.
Jessica and Alex left before Hunter and I, they were to get a head start so they could help their dad at home before we got there. We took a little longer because in Las Vegas I told Hunter we told Grandma Leavitt we were coming home and she said good, now I can get some sleep tonight. When he heard this we had to stop by Grandma's before coming home.
Duane and friends put up a sign and balloons to welcome Hunter home, Hunter really liked it. Thank you all.
And then the fun begins with perceptions to be filled at the pharmacy. Thank heavens for Insurance.
Saturday, Feb. 21,- We had Hunter get on the treadmill and he was able to do 1 1/2 laps with 10 min rest in between each half. We wiped him out, he was tired all day, I actually had to dress him to go to Las Vegas for the baptisms. Dressing a 15 year old with a bad shoulder isn't easy. On our way to Las Vegas, Hunter just kept saying I Hate Las Vegas, I Hate Las Vegas, I said what do you mean Las Vegas saved your life. He says No, Mom it was the prayers and the Priesthood. We made it the baptism and it was great to see all the family there.
Sunday, Feb. 22, - Hunter only made it through Sacrament Meeting, and then we sent him and Jessica home to rest. Alex wanted to go, but we told him he didn't spend enough time at the side of his hospital bed to be first choice to take Hunter home. and then from 5 - 7 we had family and friend over to visit with Hunter.
Monday, Feb. 23, - Spent most of the day on the phone with Insurance and setting up Dr. appointments. At 12:30 we had an I.E.P. at the High School to figure out what going to happen with Hunter and school. He's going to be on Home bound till sometime in April.
Tuesday, Feb, 24 - Had Dr. Appointment at 9:45 - he was suppose to start his medication for his blood clots. Of course this Dr. had never done it before so we had to schedule another appointment for Wed. to see a different Dr. but did get the prescription for the MRI and Physical Therapy, and medication for Zytac? because Hunter isn't eating anything. Then at 11:00 we went to Mesa View to make an appointment for the MRI, so of course more waiting.
Wednesday, Feb 25, - New appointment at the Dr. Hunter is now taking blood thinners for his blood clots. Let's hope he doesn't get cut. And then back to Mesa View to do the MRI. (we'll find out Fri.)
Thursday, Feb 26, - Today is our lazy day. All we did was Grandma Leavitt's Hair and did some candling on Hunter ears because he was complaining about them popping when we read our book. That boy produces ear wax like sherk does.
Tomorrow we go to St. George for the foot Dr. (I think we are getting a glimpse of what retired people do)
Something funny about Hunter: He notices everything, his new nickname is MONK. Just one example out of many is last night when I went to tuck him into bed it drove him crazy that the 4 screw in the light switch weren't the same direction. I told him he can get a screw driver and fix it anytime he wants. So he's not as bad as MONK because he didn't fix it.
He mess' Jessica, he's always asking when she's coming back. I tell him that she needs to be home with her husband. He gets on my cell phone and calls her and tells her we are all stressed out, and Mom and Dad aren't getting along, and she needs to come NOW. He makes me laugh. He also say everything he thinks. You have to be very careful on what Hunter tells you to know how much of it's true.
Another funny thing is he's always telling Alex it's past his bed time and he needs to go to bed, and that he has to turn off the noise to the game system and that he been on to long. He just might make a better mom than I do.
What great news! Thanks for keeping us updated; we've been wondering how things are going! And thanks for posting the pictures, too. We love you all and you are all still in our thoughts and prayers!
ReplyDeleteSo glad he is home!!! Maybe I need to get in on your lap contest because I need to loses a few pounds!:)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you updated. I havent heard anything for a while and kept looking. Anyways good job hunter.