Haven't updated in a month... Hunter and everything else keeps us busy. So thing are going great. Life is Good. We've have now seen all the Dr.'s. Still doing blood test all the time for the blood thinners. He'll go to Las Vegas for another ( ??? ) where they'll put all the wires to his head to watch brain movement for seizers. So sometime in the next two weeks he has Dr. Orders to stay up all night long and play video games so he can be slept deprived for the test. (every teenagers dream) but we have to wait for Insurance approval. Insurance everyone nightmare. The only other nightmare worse than them is not having any at all.
But right know there is another family member that needs everyone's prayer at this time. And they have there own blog you can find it at www.shanejensenfam.blogspot.com
We know that prayers are felt, and right now they need ours. Please keep them in mind their roller coaster look like a long rough one.
Glad to hear u are doing good Hunter! Those are the nest Drs orders Ive ever heard!! If u need help, I caught my 3 year old up at 4am with a DS. We are praying for you still.